Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Enlightenment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Enlightenment - Term Paper Example The Enlightenment followed the Renaissance and the Reformation periods of Europe and is included in what has been termed the Age of Reason. Those who championed the Enlightenment such as Voltaire, John Locke, David Hume and Thomas Paine, among many others, dismissed superstition, irrational thought and oppression by the ruling authorities which put them at odds with the monarchies of the time and the Catholic Church. Enlightenment â€Å"thinkers† were primarily Deists who questioned the authority of church institutions and whether their influence was a positive for society. Though not advocating the devolvement of religion, they embraced scientific analysis and rational conclusions based on evidence rather than the suppression of knowledge long supported by the Church throughout the dark ages. Enlightenment philosophers sought to deliver people from the constraints of religion and set the standard for secular morals and politics. To them, Christianity celebrated human sufferin g and poverty while preaching undeserved forgiveness. The Church hierarchy was institutionally corrupt, their actions to oppress the common people appalling and lust for power insatiable. Enlightenment thinkers thought themselves courageous for speaking out against Christianity which they thought was born from the decadent Roman Empire and responsible for ushering in the deeply superstitious and depraved dark ages. Expectedly, theologians of that time reacted negatively to the enlightenment philosophers whose influence was growing among both intellectuals and the common man. (Eliot, Stern, 1979). Bishop Joseph Butler (1692-1752) among other church officials staunchly defended Christianity to the flock while challenging the rational of deist thought. Butler stressed religion that spoke to the heart and not cluttered by thoughts of the mind. The emotional backlash among the faithful to this â€Å"heretical† movement was significant and extensive sparking a new movement in the o pposite direction. Pietism, started by brothers John and Charles Wesley in 1738, stressed strict adherence to church teachings and that enlightenment was a tool of the Devil trying to poison people’s minds and lead them away from God. By the late1700’s, pietism and rationalism were very much in conflict with one another. Advocates of each diametrically opposed position disagreed fervently on religious ideals. They did, however, concur on the matter of religious freedom. In addition, both pietists and rationalists felt they were outside the mainstream; both feared persecution and acknowledged the blatant, historic abuses propagated by religious institutions. Interestingly, both movements, each considered radical for the time period, were considered similarly threatening to the state and church institutions which had an interest in maintaining the status quo. (Lewis, 1992). A few of the more progressive members of the clergy tolerated ideas born of the Enlightenment, a f ew even embraced many of the base philosophies. Unfortunately for the movement, various factions involved with the French Revolution distorted and misused concepts of the Enlightenment. Some, intent of banishing the Christian Church from France along with its oppressive tactics, did so under the banner of Enlightenment although none of the philosophers of the time advocated this overreach. As a result of this distortion, the movement was vilified by both

Monday, October 28, 2019

An Analysis of Psychology in Art Essay Example for Free

An Analysis of Psychology in Art Essay Kahlo’s painting Self Portrait with Cropped Hair (1940) and Lichtenstein’s Drowning Girl (1963) both use emotive techniques in order to convey more subtle feelings. While Lichtenstein employed a more bold look to his female subject, Kahlo uses a formal stance in her self-portrait, but both give the viewer the idea of sorrow being the center subject behind these female figures. Kahlo’s self portrait shows a woman on a chair (presumably Kahlo) with the cut pieces of her hair scattered all about her. This use of the hair being all around the main figure gives the viewer the impression of a battle – that Kahlo lost. Hair is a metaphor in the painting – a metaphor of peace or strength. In the bible the symbol of hair can be found in the story of Samson and Delilah in which Samson got his strength from his hair, and the prostitute Delilah cut it all off thereby rendering the hero useless. If then, Kahlo’s hair is her strength it is almost as though the viewer is peering on to a death sentence of the woman. The death sentence in Lichtenstein’s work is much more blatant as the drowning girl states in her bubble â€Å"I’d rather sink than call Brad for help† which coordinates this theme of desperation and sorrow. The stance of either female in their respected representations are opposite: Lichtenstein gives his subject a subdued and hopeless stance being already almost entirely submerged in the water and thereby closer to death while in Kahlo’s painting, although nearly all of her hair is spread about her in a form of defeat, the figure stands in erect position rather in a stance of having lost the battle. There is distinctly more depth present in Kahlo’s painting, with the cut hair scattered on the ground and the angles of the chair making the viewer fell as though they are peering into this event. In Lichtenstein’s work the viewer is given a close up of the woman who doesn’t allow for much depth to be viewed – but in classic Lichtenstein technique, his use of flat planes further develop this loss of field of depth. This is perhaps a metaphoric sense of depth since Kahlo’s portrait is subtle and the viewer has to read into the subject and the subtler emotions involved in the work while in Lichtenstein’s work the viewer merely has to read what the girl says in order to understand everything about the painting in one glance. With a second glance at the figure in Kahlo’s work (and with the history of her recent divorce from her unfaithful husband Diego Rivera) the viewer may guess that this cutting of the hair is symbolic of Kahlo’s state of emotions. Perhaps she is shedding the part of herself that Diego had claimed as Kahlo has said of her art, I do not know if my paintings are Surrealist or not, but I do know that they are the most frank expression of myself. (Kahlo). Thus, in cutting of her hair (presumably he loved long haired women) she is making a claim of self identity away from her cheating husband and thereby the painting becomes transformed into a woman losing hair, into a woman gaining her identity. The top of Kahlo’s painting even states as much in saying, â€Å"Look, if I loved you it was because of your hair. Now that you are without hair, I dont love you anymore. † Lichtenstein’s portrait of a woman who is also in the bad end of love also has a small bit of this identity. She states that she would rather die than have Brad come and help her, but the viewer wonders, why doesn’t the woman try and save herself? The depth that is lacking in the field of vision with Lichtenstein’s work is replaced by a depth into personality of the woman. A psychologist might argue that the woman has an Ophelia complex (from Hamlet) in which she would rather die than live without her lover. In either instance, it is clear that both artists are trying to depict an emotional state in which love is the cause of the effects. Lichtenstein’s work is predominately innovated through DC comics (a panel of which inspired The Drowning Girl). His use of Benday dots emphasize a stylistic approach. Kahlo’s art is more surreal in nature and symbolic in style as is evident in Self Portrait with Cropped Hair. In surrealistic style, Kahlo allows the interchange of gender to play a dominate role in the painting. The figure, Kahlo herself, is dressed in men’s slacks and a shirt, thus allowing the short hair to almost define her in a masculine capacity. In Lichtenstein’s work the gender of the painting is quite clear with the woman showing attributes a helpless woman drowning in the water as well as in love. This woman relinquishes her control over her fate in a rather docile component of femininity (the viewer is reminded of the big bosomed females in horror movies who run from the monster in drastic steps only to fall in their high heels and be destroyed by their pursuer). In Kahlo’s painting, perhaps because of this gender bending idea, the woman becomes like a man, that is, able to survive, or, in comparison, she becomes the pursuer and thereby strong. In opposition to the bible story then, Kahlo does not in fact become weak in losing her hair, but rather the painting is meant to suggest that she becomes strong in this shedding of hair, and husband. In either painting it is clear that both artists are interested in the psychology of their subject. In the DC comic world by which Lichtenstein gained inspiration, women were somewhat helpless creatures in the 1960’s only gaining a feminine stance in the 1980’s or so. His vision of women through his portrait gives the viewer the idea that without love, a woman does not have an identity, and thus, death is a logical substitute to not having a ‘Brad’. In Kahlo’s painting the same may be deciphered; she allows her femininity to surround her on the ground in the form of her hair, and her transformation into a man makes her stronger. It is then interesting to note the decades which lie between either painting – it may be said that Kahlo was progressive with her painting style and her representation of women (perhaps taking note of Kate Chopin’s The Awakening in which the protagonist cannot live in a man’s world and thus drowns herself in an act of freedom). It is clear that in both artworks there are strong emotions which propel the subjects into the places they stand before the viewer. The emotional journey has come to an end in either painting or the female figures either claim their identities (in the case of Kahlo) or they become submerged in a world where they cannot live without love (in the case of Lichtenstein). The psychology of the main characters becomes evident through the artists’ rendering through the use of space, script, and symbolism. Works Cited Alloway, Lawrence, Roy Lichtenstein, N. Y. : Abbeville, 1983 759. 1 L701A Claudia Bauer, Frida Kahlo, Munich: Prestel Verlag, 2005. Frida Kahlo, ed. Elizabeth Carpenter, exh. cat. , Minneapolis: Walker Art Center, 2007 759. 972 K12FR Gannit Ankori, Imagining Her Selves: Frida Kahlo’s Poetics of Identity and Fragmentation, Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 2002. Hayden Herrer, Frida Kahlo: The Paintings, N. Y. : Harper Collins, 1991. 759. 072 K12H Lobel, Michael, Image Duplicator: Roy Lichtenstein and the Emergence of Pop Art, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. Pop Art: A Critical History, Steven H. Madoff, ed. , Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1997 709. 73 P8242 Waldmann, Diane, Roy Lichtenstein, exh. cat.. , N. Y. : Guggenheim Museum, 1993. 759. 1 L701WAL Whiting, Cecile, A Taste for Pop: Pop Art, Gender and Consumer Culture, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Thousand Voices :: Thousand Voices Essays

A Thousand Voices I cannot speak for the rest of the world, consisting of girly girls and manly men, but I can speak for myself. Virginia Woolf is right on target in saying that every human being has a male half and a female half-I believe this because I am a living example; I think we all are. Julie always gives me scornful looks when I come to lunch from from gym with a red face, and an exhausted yet satisfied expression. "You've been playing floor hockey again, haven't you!?" she belligerently but playfully accuses. I then proceed to disgust her with my tales of how I almost scored a goal, got hit in the ribs by a speeding puck (and boy was it great!), knocked over a guy, stopped the puck mid-air. She rolls her eyes for two reasons: one, because I actually participate in gym period, and two, because floor hockey is generally a "guy thing." Now, before I go any further, I want to cover myself. I'm not saying that the aggression and rough and tumble of floor hockey is an exclusively masculine trait, and that I , a girl, would be exploring my "male half" by partaking in the game. It is society that chooses which qualities may be dubbed male and which are female, and it is society that makes Julie and most of my other friends, and even the other guys down at the gym think it strange for a woman to enjoy such a brute sport. Virginia Woolf may be forced to call things either male or female in order to speak society's language. I think she's on to something in that there is a little everything residing in all of us-it's just a matter of whether or not we choose to embrace it all. I'm not a brute force all the time (although some would beg to differ), but I bring that side of me out whenever I go for the puck, or whenever I spar in martial arts. Maybe it's not "the man" in me, it's just the fighter; maybe Virginia Woolf says male and female half when she really means all-encompassing human whole. Another conflict that results from this manifestation of all human qualities within me also deals with male and female stereotypes.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Behavioral and Social/Cognitive Approaches to Forming Habits Essay

While analyzing the formation of habits using behavioral and social/cognitive approach I will use personal scenarios to back my research on how habits form personalities. I will provide the reader with sequence of developmental habits and role models if any that contributed to the formation of my own habits. Next, I will discussing the reason why I’ve continue to repeat these habitual acts and how I have succeeded in break the negative habit. Then using the behavioral personality theory and the components of social/cognitive theory I will explain why and how I developed these habits. Last, using supportive facts from course readings of chapter six and seven with online citing and facts, I will compare the theories behavioral and social/cognitive and develop my own hypothesis on which theory I believe best describes my personality. When developing habits the self conscious mind forms an image to what it perceives to be a positive emotional connection, satisfaction, or rewarding feeling. Thus rejecting the negative approach and replacing it with capitalize or self sufficient compensation. The conditioned response would occur in response to stimuli that were similar to the conditioned stimulus, indicating that there was generalization of the conditioning, but the conditioned response would not occur for all possible similar stimuli, indicating the difference between different stimuli; this is called discrimination.(Friedman & Schustack, p. 187, 2012) Growing up I developed a few positive and negative habits that has helped me shape my personality and image. The positive habit being basketball and the negative habit being smoking. When I was about four or five years old I would watch basketball games with my cousins on television. At the time I don’t understand what was really going on, but I did know that all I wanted to do was dribble a basketball. Whenever I had a change to dribble a ball, any ball I did. By the time I was ten years old I was able  to dribble with both hands in an equal manner, basically hiding any dominate traits of my left hand dribble. At the age of seven I discovered the ultimate basketball player that lives to this day, Michael Jordan! I wanted to be like Mike, but the female version. Becoming the first woman to play basketball in the NBA. Losing the opportunity when the WNBA was developed and I was only about fifteen, I just settle with being the best that I could be. In high school I was consider popular because I was on the basketball team, but to me the popular students where the one’s everyone knew the seniors and juniors. During my sophomore year the older students started to notice me because of how well I played on the freshmen JV squid the year before. I was now on the varsity team and I wanted to fit in with the rest of the popular students. Some were a great influences and some werenâ €™t. The wrong influences had me try cigarettes. At first it was cool, but I hated the taste and I notice that my breathing wasn’t the same so I quit, but quickly developed a new habit. I began to use smoking as a cover up of my feeling of my relationship with my mom, but it was no longer cigarettes I had moved up to marijuana. I continued doing both habits for a very long time mentally training myself to smoke only on the weekends or breaks during my seasons of basketball and other sports I played. I was an A-, B+ student never causing any issues at home with my grandmother and going to church every Sunday, but like my grandma always said â€Å"eventually what in the dark will come to light.† I never truly notice how the weed was affecting me grades and social life. During my senior year in high school I was hanging with pot heads and barely going to class if I went to school. My A- and B+ were now B-, C’s, D’s, and a few F’s. It also started to effect my playing the coach would just let me sit o n the bench until I was ready to play. This was a very sad situation because M had been excepted to Syracuse University with a full ride as long as I keep me grade up and continued to flourish during the next basketball season. After losing my scholarship because of my grades slipping and my lack of participation on the court that year I know I hand to stop the weed habit because it was causing me to lose everything I worked hard to achieve. Quitting the marijuana habit I was able to go to the local community college and working my way back up the scale. I never got back the basketball scholarship opportunity, I did grow up to become a physical education teacher who also coaches basketball now and has  been an undefeated Charter School Girls champion for four year straight. Living me with the only habit of my love for basketball and teaching my developed skills to other potential basketball star athletes. Use the behavioral personality theory to explain why I had a smoking habits it has come to my attention that my smoking habit only occurred because I made it a routine act in my life. By giving the sustain a meaningful generalization of why it was needed created a repetitive action of usage that had a tr ue meaning. For example, this form habit could be compared to taking a shower, a essential act that must be preformed daily. â€Å"Consistency of everyday established life habits or behavioral dispositions to repeat well practiced actions given recurring circumstances.†(Smith, 2012, para.2) Through components of social/cognitive theory my habits may have formed because of my daily interaction with the wrong associates and environment. By constantly being around people who smoke cigarettes and marijuana it became a negative influential social gathering. Learning occurs in a social context with a dynamic and reciprocal interaction of the person, environment, and behavior which unique feature of SCT is the emphasis on social influence and its emphasis on external and internal social reinforcement.(â€Å"The Social Cognitive Theory,† 2013). When I decide to quit smoking I remember looking down at the joint in my hand and saying â€Å"this isn’t going to solve my problems it jus t seems to make things worse† and I vowed to never smoke again and I’ve been drug free for thirteen years with no urge to ever smoke again. Unfortunately everyone do not have as strong of a mind set as I had and must develop a plan that applies operant conditioning to change their habit. If I had to create this plan for me the first thing I would do is develop a goal in which I feel is a reasonable amount of time to quite, let’s say thirty days. Next I would give myself a daily amount in which I can smoke and find a substitute of gum chew, healthy snack, or fun activity to do whenever I get the urge to smoke outside of my scheduled time. Each week I would make my intake smaller and increase my substitution activities until the urge has complete vanished. The decreasing of the substance is known as the extinction process that frequency of the organism’s producing a response gradually decreases when the response behavior is no longer followed by the reinforcement (Friedman & Schustack, p. 188, 2012) The social cognitive theory of personality must be deployed in two stages, first  develop awareness of problems and develop the motivation to change, and second involve the actual plan and implementation of change behavior. (Smith, 2012) After learning about the process between the behavioral and social/cognitive theories, I can say that both theories do represent part of my personality and cannot devote myself to any particular theory. I truly feel even though I may have started smoking because of who I socialized with. I do believe I only continued on with the addictive behavior because I made excuses for the behavior, creating my own valid reason to repeat this social substance abuse act even on my own. In conclusion I believe that both theories have a very strong base, but doubt that any real person can consist of only one theory when it comes to forming normal or additive habits. References Friedman, H. S., & Schustack, M. W. (2012). Personality: Classic Theories and Modern Research (5th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database Smith, N. (2012, January). How Personality and Behavior Influence Psychology. Article Myriad. Retrieved from The Social Cognitive Theory. (2013, January). Behavioral Change Models, (), 1-7. Retrieved from

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Regulatory Barriers And Legislative Actions Health And Social Care Essay

The Healthy People 2010 includes ends of eliminate wellness disparities among sections of different populations ( U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2005 ) . Surveies have shown that rural countries experience more wellness disparities such as both morbidity, mortality, and with insurance coverage ( Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2009 ) . Age is besides an of import factor that contributes to healthcare barriers such as homebound position and transit affairs. The aged have systematically accounted for about 50 % of all health care expenditures in the United States ( Cousineau, 2010a ) . As the demand for the wellness attention additions, there will be fewer health care workers for attention bringing. If the current tendencies continue, the spread between supply and demand of rural doctor and nurses will be even larger than in urban countries ( Cousineau, 2010b ) . Given the continued growing of chronic unwellne ss in our society and the detonation of new health-related engineerings, surgical techniques and drugs ( Cousineau, 2010c ) , inquiries of how, or if telemedicine can cut down costs or better entree must be address in order to see it as a feasible solution for the drawn-out health care bringing in the United State.IssuesIn malice of the progresss of medical engineering and wellness information sciences that have improved the ability for telemedicine to supply entree to a spectrum of attention, insurance companies and funders continue to eschew the issue of reimbursement for telemedicine services. Indeed, though there has been great promise of telemedicine development really small advancement has really been achieved. The primary challenges continue to be limited reimbursement, licensure, and patient privateness ( Matusitz & A ; Breen, 2007 ) . Since Senate Bill 1665 enacted the â€Å" Telemedicine Delivery Act of 1996 † which imposed legion demand regulating the bringing of h ealth care via telemedicine, several related policies such as HR3030 and HR3200 have besides been introduced to Congress to supply low-cost telemedicine services with ordinances. However, they are all still pending and have been unable to continue. Since there is no direct opposition disputing telemedicine-related policies, this paper will concentrate on discoursing the regulative barriers and legislative actions forestalling them from come oning. With respect to the limited research grounds and expertness in telemedicine, this paper will besides analyse the recent Congressional proposal HR 1601 by sing the quality and wellness results of telemedicine system. Last, it will discourse the impact of Healthcare Reform on telemedicine and my recommendation for future waies.Regulative Barriers and Legislative ActionsLicensurePresently each province regulates its ain pattern of medical specialty. This is a jurisdictional right that is recognized by the Supreme Court. For this ground, most healthcare professionals are licensed on a state-by-state footing. Telemedicine hence is besides geographically regulated by single provinces. Many legal issues originate when a â€Å" pattern † is done via a telecommunication nexus across different province lines. Each province they cross into can enforce a demand on the supplier to keep a full medical licence before seeing their out-of-state patients via telemedicine engineerings. It is hard and dearly-won for healthcare practicians to keep and keeping multiple licences, particularly those in the rural countries where the healthcare demand is non stable ( Cousineau, 2010b ) . For this ground, many merely choose to restrict their pattern to a individual province. In 1996, the Federation of State Medical BoardsA developed theoretical account statute law which allows a province to supply and administrate a limited telemedicine licence. This limited licence permits wellness practicians to pattern in different provinces via telemedicine engineerings, but non physically. Conversely, the American Medical Association decided to follow a policy that requires a full and unrestricted licence in order for a doctor to pattern telemedicine across province lines ( Nickelson, 1998 ) . Beyond licensure issues, while interstate telemedicine patterns could better entree to our current health care systems, it besides raises inquiries about malpractice and struggle of jurisprudence. Presently each province develops its ain malpractice insurance evaluation and most malpractice insurance does non use in instances outside of the province. On the other manus the suppliers of each province are besides concerned about how to exercise legal power over such malpractice claim against other suppliers from out of province who may non be capable to the legal power of the administrative regulative organic structures. Although a national licensure theoretical account for telemedicine seems like a logical solution, it is improbable to get the better of the political and constitutional issues in one measure. A regional geographic attack affecting province medical insurance companies to clear up coverage bounds and develop new policies might be more executable. For illustration, based on telemedicine activities from the Governor ‘s Associations and Councils in the yesteryear, Cwiek et Al found that the Southern Governors ‘ Association and the Western Governors ‘ Association demonstrated a important degree of leading in the country of telemedicine. They have proven to better entree to healthcare and medical specializers and cut down medical costs by traveling information alternatively of people ( Cwiek, Rafiq, Qamar, Tobey, & A ; Merrell, 2007 ) .ReimbursementIn 1997, both the House and the Senate passed HR2015 – Balanced Budget Act. It enabled partial Medicare reimbursement f or Telemedicine services. However, professional audience was the lone service allowed by the measure and the payment had to be shared among assorted parties with really rigorous ordinances. In 2000, Congress passed appropriations measure HR 5661, the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act, which significantly revised Medicare ordinances for reimbursement for Telemedicine services ( The American Telemedicine Association, 2010 ) . The Healthcare Financing Administration extended Medicare coverage to medical visits, audiences, mental wellness services, and pharmacologic monitoring of patients populating in the rural country. Further, it extended payment rates to suppliers which were similar to that paid without the usage of telemedicine. Medicare besides pays a installation fee for per telemedicine session. However, obstructions remain because the reimbursement is normally allowed for directed physical communicating merely, such as face-to-face audiences. Besides, the opposition of reimbursement from the private insurance companies continues with non-feasible ordinances ( Matusitz & A ; Breen, 2007 ) .Limited research grounds on Telemedicine and HR1601HR1601 was introduced to the Congress by Jefferson in 2007 and it was referred to Committee for consideration of telemedicine service facilitation ( Thomas Library of Congress, 2007 ) . The end of this measure is to bespeak grants to put up telemedicine services in a spectrum of assorted healthcare systems including nursing place and public clinics. Rather than proposing the solution or overall support mechanism in the long term the purpose of this measure is to bespeak support for telemedicine pilot undertakings and bring forth research grounds. HR1601 would guarantee that the Office for the Advancement of Telemedicine in the Health Resources and Services Administration ( HRSA ) would supervise and organize pilot surveies with related federal bureaus of medical underserved populations in both urban and rural country, with the assistance of grants. HRSA would do recommendation harmonizing to their rating of whether these undertakings consequences in addition of entree and quality of attention, publicity of patient independency, lessening wellness disparities, and betterment of cost effectivity ( Prinz, Cramer, & A ; Englund, 2008 ) .QualityThe quality of telemedicine services has the most direct impact on the likeliness of go throughing policies of support. In order to present the optimum telemedicine service the quality of the telemedicine system needs to be reliable, user friendly and cosmopolitan in order to incorporate into assorted computerized system. Standardized counsel should be implemented so the telemedicine system can efficaciously and accurately pass on with bing computerized system in the infirmary and place wellness bureaus. The challenge lays in the complexness of telemedicine engineering, including hardware and package mutual exclusiveness, syste m integrating complexness, and communicating troubles due to low velocity digital lines ( Prinz, et al. , 2008 ) . Information could be lost while meeting communicating troubles and equipment failures which would earnestly impact the dependability of telemedicine service suppliers, particularly private place wellness bureaus in the rural country.Health resultUse of Telemedicine engineering ( such as picture cameras and supervising devices ) in the Home Care puting additions entree to healthcare bringing by leting direct communicating between patients and wellness practicians beyond geographic and temporal boundaries. There is increasing grounds demoing that that telemedicine is associated with the positive result of self-management and conformity in chronic unwellness such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes ( Artinian, 2007 ; Chumbler, et al. , 2005 ) . On the other manus, some argue that this grounds is non quantifiable because of the use of assorted telemedicine engineerings in different disease countries. The deficiency of thorough clinical tests might be the ground that holds back reimbursement organisation and promotion of telemedicine uses ( Prinz, et al. , 2008 ) . Some grounds even shows that using telemedicine services contributes no difference in patients ‘ wellness result but a greater cost comparison to other healthcare bringing methods ( Bowles & A ; Baugh, 2007 ) , therefore corrupting the necessity to reimburse a more dearly-won healthcare bringing method.The Impact of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act & A ; Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActBased on the belief that wellness information engineering and electronic medical records are indispensable for the transmutation of telemedicine health care bringing, the federal authorities utilized the commissariats of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 ( ARRA ) to authorise about $ 38 billion in funding for wellness information engineering substructure over the foll owing 6 old ages. The inside informations about how this support will be utilized are written in the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health ( HITECH ) subdivision in the ARRA. The largest part of this support is targeted at incentive payments by Medicare and Medicaid to eligible suppliers for the execution of wellness information engineerings. Specifically, in order to be qualified for these inducements the health care suppliers must follow a certification for the electronic medical record system and exhibit the practical usage ( Cline, 2010 ) . In March 2009 President Obama signed HR 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ( PPACA ) into jurisprudence. ThisA important wellness attention reform jurisprudence allows advanced payment and service bringing theoretical account to better entree, quality of health care, and cut down plan cost to persons, written specifically in Section 3021 ( Government Relations Staff, 2010 ) . A New Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation will back up primary attention practicians on flying telemedicine application in chronic attention direction. It will implement telemedicine plan in infirmaries, accountable attention organisations, and independency at place for distant patient monitoring. This jurisprudence encourages wellness information engineering and electronic medical records acceptance to ease attention coordination. It besides allows each province to utilize the new Medicaid â€Å" Health Home † plan to progress chronic attention.RecommendationsOverall, I believe that the Telemedicine can increase entree and cut down cost in the long tally with the support of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act & A ; Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. There is no uncertainty that the Telemedicine is capable of transforming our health care bringing system in both positive and negative waies, nevertheless, I believe that the pros outweigh the cons. It is notable that most of the up to day of the month pilot research surveies mentioned supra have made positive impacts on the entree of healthcare bringing. Inadequate and unequal coverage for telemedicine service earnestly delayed the execution of cost-saving and quality-improvement solutions, and constrained the entree and picks in assorted forte services in rural countries. Current expanded Medicare coverage for Telemedicine is in procedure of work outing this issue, but specifically I think Congress should besides widen Medicare coverage to medical services using â€Å" store-and-forward † t elemedicine ( for illustration direction and showing for diabetic related retinopathy ) , and to suppliers whose services are otherwise covered for Medicare. I besides recommend a more aggressive plan for pull offing the demands and costs of chronic patients who are presently homebound or are potentially at hazard to be administered into a infirmary or nursing place. Thousands of veteran patients are profiting from place wellness telemedicine plan to organize their attention. The US Veteran Affairs have found that their patients follow the usage of these devices easy and are really satisfied with their attention coordination service ( US Department of Veterans Affairs, 2009 ) . Therefore, Congress should advance Home Telemedicine and include it in the reimbursement component to cover the costs of related devices and engineering. Most provinces ‘ Medicaid already covered some telemedicine services. It can be optimize by back uping primary attention doctors to suit telemedicine services, maximise the usage of picture and telecommunication to cut down patients ‘ travelling, and increase â€Å" store-and-forward † engineering uses such as sharing medical images for diagnosing. The current rural wellness plan should prolong the operation of high-velocity cyberspace entree and wireless connexion within all eligible wellness installations to accomplish efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Congress should besides set up a licensing board to promote interstate medical licensure cooperation by geographic zone. Finally, I believe that with effectual execution, wellness practicians and patients can get the better of the challenges limited the development and success of telemedicine.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Daily life in the medieval Islamic world

Daily life in the medieval Islamic world The Islamic life during the medieval period was characterized by historical and cultural events explaining the role of various individuals in the families. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Daily life in the medieval Islamic world specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Islam refers to giving up and surrendering to God, it is a religion based on individual relationship with God (Allah) and is guarded by Sharia Law which is a comprehensive system covering relationship between human being and their creator or with other people in a society and a nation at large (Lindsay, 2005). It is divided into two categories namely: Devotional Law dealing with issues that bring individuals close to God (Allah) while Transactional Law regulates human activities in world in regard to the relationships between individual in the society (Lindsay, 2005). Thesis statement, â€Å"life in the Medieval Islamic world is characterized by several tra ditions that determine the role of an individual in the Islamic society†. Medieval period is the time when the world noted heightened interest in arts and history which were passed through to the middle age (Cook, 2003). The period noted the emergence of the Sufi tradition during the 4th century AD, which reflects the inner mystical practice emphasizes on specific spiritual guidelines to ensure closer relations between men and God and recognizes Mohammad as the chief prophet (Lindsay, 2005). Sufis believe in God responsible for all creation in the world with most important rituals being zikr in which members appreciate God through mediation, chants and movement as a way of communicating their problems (Cook, 2003).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Similarities between Sharia Law and Sufism Both Sharia and Sufism recognize Mohammad as a prophet of God through w hom all forms of communication to Allah are channeled according to the teachings derived from Holly Quran (Lindsay, 2005). Secondly, both traditions belief in one God the creator of man and the universe hence paying allegiance through fasting, praying and assisting the needy (Cook, 2003). Similarly, in both cases, the wrath of God is felt for failure to abide by the rules in the Holly Quran which are the fabric holding the community together, failure to participate in activities directed by the traditions leads to punishment from God (Cook, 2003). However, the two traditions conflicts on areas such as: the Sharia Law relies on two categories that deals with different situations in life as it involves, Transactional Law or Devotional Law regulating the relationship between man and God and with fellow humans in the society while Sufi relies on a single law that regulates the relationship between man and God(Lindsay, 2005). In addition ,Sharia law is expressed through five necessities regulating, reason, property ownership and honor each of which is protected by legislative reference while Sufi relies majorly on strong self conviction with God(Cook, 2003). Sunni and Shi i tradition Sunni tradition developed during the last quarter of the 4th century, it refers to statements, series of action or tactics that are approved as a reflection for peace and draws its origin from the prophetic era of the Islamic faith giving explanations to ambiguous clauses in the Islamic law (Cook, 2003). It explains the issues not tackled in the Quran for example, the potion of a grandmother’s share on inheritance stating â€Å"the Prophet of peace ruled the grandmother to acquire one sixth of the estate as inheritance â€Å"a statement not included in the Sharia Law (Lindsay, 2005). Sunni is a subsidiary for Quran and gives specific explanations into the relationship between man and his creator and with the society at large. Advertising We will write a custom essay s ample on Daily life in the medieval Islamic world specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, the 5th century AD witnessed the development of Shi i tradition that accepted â€Å"Ali ibn Abi-Talib†, Mohammad’s son-in-law as the Prophet’s legitimate successor similarly, its believers believed in twelve lines of inheritance after the Prophet (Cook, 2003).The two traditions are similar in that both recognizes one superhuman creator, God (Allah). Roles and status of men and women in the family and society The emergence of the various traditions during the medieval period introduced complete change in the Islamic life in regard to Islamic laws. The laws and penal codes give men the highest status in the society and consider women as subordinate in societal affairs. According to the Islamic traditions, despite the teachings on equality of sexes before God, women enjoy lower status than men with fewer rights and responsibilit ies, for example, men are mandated to owning all the family financial and economic resources while women are required to consult their husbands or male guardians on administering these assets (Lindsay, 2005). Similarly, women have no powers to choose their own place of residence and the husband while men have both moral and religious duty to punish their wives for disobedience (Cook, 2003). Moreover, men enjoy the first priority on inheritance ,for example, a son inherits property equivalent to that of two daughters (Cook, 2003). The roles and status of the dhimmi populations in the Islamic world During the 6th century AD, Islam was entrenched in the desert of Saudi Arabia when the prophet turned against the Jews at the oasis of Khaybar leading to the death of many Jews and Christians of Saudi Arabia who were force to submit to Muslim laws hence become dhimmi population in Saudi Arabia (Lindsay, 2005). Dhimmi population are people of non-Muslim origin who accepts to be governed by S haria Laws and enjoy the right of residence in exchange for taxes levied on them (Lindsay, 2005).Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Under sharia law, the status was initially accorded to Jews, Christians and Sabians living in Islamic nations but latter extended to Hindus and Serbians, they are entitled to fewer legal right than indigenous Muslims in these areas (Cook, 2003). They are granted rights such as consumption of pork and alcohol that is illegal to Muslims and are also allowed to get â€Å"blood money† the amount paid for the death caused by another in countries such as Saudi Arabia (Lindsay, 2005). In conclusion, the developments which occurred during the medieval period improved the Islamic and religion by emphasizing on Sharia Law which gives high status to men in all activities in the society the religion has developed over along period of time resulting to strong system of laws able to withstand legal changes in the world (Lindsay, 2005). The laws control every aspect of life resulting unity of all citizens in different parts of the world. Reference List Cook, M. (2003).Forbidding wrong in I slam: An introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Lindsay, J. (2005). Daily life in the medieval Islamic world. New York: Oxford University Press.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Why we need music censorship in America essays

Why we need music censorship in America essays Two teenagers get up one morning. Both live normal lives and have never harmed a fly. However, years of listening to heavy metal, gothic, and rap music have put destructive suggestions into their subconsciences. They decide that their lives are not as perfect as they want them to be. They arrive at school with guns in hand, and start shooting at several of their peers and teachers. Some of the students and staff lay dead, others injured, and the rest emotionally instable all because of the music that provoked those kids that morning. Children should be protected and hindered from this weapon that has been fired on society. Some politicians believe that censoring or filtering out vulgar language and inappropriate themes will infringe on the artists right to freedom of expression. United States government should have right to censor all music for the sake of our teenagers who are yet to become the future leaders of America. I will have to admit that some teenagers will still have acc ess to whatever they want to listen to. And that some artists will be promoting what they have been doing underground if censorship becomes legal nationally. As you probably know, the Washington, D.C.-based American Psychological Association (APA) released the study, resulting from five experiments involving over 500 college students, in the May issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. The violent songs increased feelings of hostility without provocation or threat, according to the study. It said the effect was not the result of differences in musical style, specific performing artist or arousal properties of the songs. Even the humorous violent songs increased aggressive thoughts, the study said. (Heins 66) This study definitely contradicts a popular notion that listening to angry, violent music actually serves as a positive catharsis for people. Some will say that, all music is not intended for everyone. It...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

French Words with New Meanings in English

French Words with New Meanings in English French Words with New Meanings in English French Words with New Meanings in English By Mark Nichol Thanks to the Norman Conquest, and to the long dominance of France in European culture and politics, almost half the words and phrases in the English lexicon (including that of its American variety) are derived from French. The list below consists of words used in American English that acquired one or more senses distinct from that or those of the French words from which they are descended. After each term, the American English meaning(s) is/are listed, followed in parentheses by the French meaning(s). 1. accoutrement: accompanying items or accessories (a ludicrous costume or tasteless attire) 2. aprà ¨s-ski: socializing after skiing (snow boots) 3. auteur: a film director or other artist who artistically dominates a creative endeavor (an author) 4. au naturel: naked (acting or looking natural, unaltered or unadulterated) 5. bà ªte noire: someone or something avoided or disliked out of fear (someone or something hated) 6. boutique: a shop selling designer or distinctive clothing, or, as an adjective, describing a small, exclusive business (a shop) 7. boutonnià ¨re: a flower placed in a buttonhole (a buttonhole) 8. chef: a professional cook (a boss) 9. claque: a group of admirers (a group of theatergoers paid either to applaud or to criticize a performance) 10. corsage: flowers worn on a woman’s dress or around her wrist (a woman’s chest, and attire covering this area) 11. coup: a forced change of government (a hit) 12. coup de main: surprise attack (give a hand) 13. debut: a first performance by an artist or entertainer (a beginning) 14. dà ©colletage: a low neckline, cleavage (lowering a neckline, or, in agricultural and technical contexts, cutting) 15. en masse: a group or mass moving as one entity (a collection or crowd) 16. entrà ©e: an entrance, or the main course of a meal (an entrance, or appetizers preceding a meal or before the main course) 17. à ©pà ©e: a specific fencing sword (a sword) 18. exposà ©: published material pertaining to a fraud or scandal (a report or talk) 19. hors d’oeuvre: a snack (the first course of a meal) 20. outrà ©: unusual (exaggerated or extravagant, or outraged) 21. prà ©cis: a summary (accurate, precise; also, an abridged textbook) 22. premiere: a first performance or presentation (first) 23. recherchà ©: obscure, pretentious (sophisticated, studied) 24. rendezvous: a clandestine meeting, or a location for an appointed meeting or reunion or a joining of two spacecraft (an appointment, date, or meeting) 25. reprise: a repetition of a piece of music during a performance (an alternate version or cover version, or rebroadcast) 26. rà ©sumà ©: an employment history with a list of qualifications (a summary) 27. risquà ©: sexually provocative (risky) 28. seance: a gathering to communicate with spirits (a meeting or session) 29. touchà ©: acknowledgment of a point made, or of a hit in fencing (emotionally touched) 30. vignette: a brief description or scene (a small picture) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Exquisite AdjectivesRunning Amok or Running Amuck?Practice or Practise?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The art of one-on-one interview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The art of one-on-one interview - Essay Example Roy J. Blitzer points out that the traditional mode of interview, i.e. one-on-one interview is most popular (Blitzer 148). First of all, the interviewees answer makes clear that a child does like to have pets, especially dogs. Most of the people remember their first job, but some of them do not like to reveal their first payment. Similar to other youngsters, my friend likes to read books, gardening, swimming, and working out. The interviewee is aware of American history and admires the dedication shown by the famous people. Similar to other youngsters, the interview likes science fiction films like Avatar. The interviewee is with strong will power because he does not like to do things which he does not like. The interviewee is proud of his sense of humor because it helps him to be successful in his life. The interviewee was able to achieve his short term goal and is working hard to achieve his long term goal. Similar to other MJ (Michel Jackson) fans, the interviewee made clear that he would like to meet him (if he was able to do so). The interviewee considers that the most embarrassing moment in his life was the day in which he was away from his friends. This proves that he is so social and attached to his friends in general.

WW1 and transition to modern America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

WW1 and transition to modern America - Essay Example on to sit in White House .He came to power in quite unconventional manner with the body of his predecessor laying besides him and he took oath right there. He came about to power in a progressive era. He also gave the foreign policy a new dimension which was previously left upon an inwardly designed pattern during the ruling days of previous presidents (Brinkley and Miller, program 18). United States of America at first stayed away from the First World War on account of its policy of isolation that it had long contained and carried since the early 19th century. Through this phase it had believed in an inward foreign policy with little interference and presence in the affairs of the global politics and happenings. This was reflected upon in the early part of the First World War. However, the second part of the World War One, forced United States of America stepping into the War. This was forced by number of events. The most prominent one in this regard was that of the indecisive and uncontrolled shelling by the German troops from across the submarines. This hit upon the American ships and vessels. The second major factor was the infamous telegram- the Zimmerman Telegram. The hostility of United States of America towards the Russia’s strength and the revolution which in turn gave rise to the socialist movement was another reason which promoted United States of America landing into the war and breaking its centuries hold custom of isolation (Divine et al,p. 775). President Woodrow Wilson was the pioneer towards breaking the shackles and introducing the American’s influence in the global affairs through a more proactive foreign policy. As a result of this mindset, the concept of 14 Points of Woodrow Wilson came about forth. This was an unprecedented form of American foreign policy in a long time. The intention of W. Wilson was to bring about global peace. It was aimed at preventing any other similar war affair in the long run. It also aimed at curtailing the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Child hood obesity in elementary school age Research Paper

Child hood obesity in elementary school age - Research Paper Example Obesity has been termed as an epidemic owing to the rise in the statistics of the people suffering from this health condition. Childhood obesity is a major issue of concern in the United States because of the increase in the number of children who have started becoming obese. This has led to a rise in the risk of various pathological conditions in these children. Over the last three decades, the graph of obesity has shown an upward trend and childhood obesity statistics have soared more than twice in these years. This rise has led to show the link between obesity and life hampering health conditions including diabetes, cancer as well as cardiac diseases. Not only this, psychological and social issues are also prevalent amongst these children. This problem needs to be tackled and measures need to be taken to overcome this epidemic of obesity. Promotion of a healthy lifestyle with the collaborative efforts of the state, media and educational institutions can prove to be beneficial in t he prevention of obesity. Childhood obesity has thus reached to alarming levels in the United States and effective preventive measures are needed as childhood obesity is associated with a large number of diseases. Obesity is a condition where an individual has an increased amount of body fat and hence an increased body weight. Obesity results when a person consumes an excessive amount of calories in comparison to the amount of calories that are burnt or utilized. Obesity amongst children has greatly risen in the United States and a report by the Institute of Medicine put forward that up to 9 million children and adolescents above the age of 6 years had increased weight and obesity in the United States. ... Obesity results when a person consumes an excessive amount of calories in comparison to the amount of calories that are burnt or utilized. Thus, there is increased accumulation of fat in the body (CDC 2013). Obesity amongst children has greatly risen in the United States and a report by the Institute of Medicine put forward that up to 9 million children and adolescents above the age of 6 years had increased weight and obesity in the United States. This has been accompanied with a surge in the healthcare expenditure for the management of obesity related pathologies that result in these individuals (Witeing, 2008, pg. 545). Obesity results due to a large number of causes which include the influence of the media and physical inactivity. Racial characteristics and societal influences are also known to play a role in the causation of obesity. A higher incidence of obesity is seen amongst the children belonging to the African American, Mexican American and Native American groups. Societal factors also play a part in leading to obesity. This can be seen as in certain localities in the United States, supermarkets and outlets providing fresh foods are not in close vicinity in comparison to the fast food restaurants and other unhealthy alternatives. Thus, this promotes unhealthy eating habits amongst the individuals. Also in certain areas, open spaces for walking and physical activity are not present. This along with a rise in crime rate in certain areas and increased traffic prevents the parents from allowing their children from going out and hence the children are indulged in indoor activities like watching television and playing video games. Physical activity education has also decreased in the schools and this accompanied with increased

Human Factors and the Insider Threat Research Paper

Human Factors and the Insider Threat - Research Paper Example The cyber security is a framework which enables the users to protect their cyber assets through preventing, detecting, countering and recovering the cyber incidents (Mehan, 2008). Although many practitioners assess the cyber security as a technical approach, there are many human aspects of acquiring cyber security. It is important to understand the significance of human contribution in the cyber security processes. Incorporating human behavior into the process can lead to a more efficient use of cyber space and reduction in cybercrime. Cyber security is dealt with not only access to technology but also to the understanding of the human user. There are many aspects of human behavior that make the cyber security processes effective in which education and training play an important role. It has been a long debate that technology advanced and gives the humans a better way of living but due to the human behavior, most of the times the technologies are exploited, wasted and misused. It is important to use the cyberspace without interfering and annoying other users. This will reduce the amount of cybercrimes which includes hacking, transferring the data and others. With effective human factors, a cyber environment can be created which provides the users with all the functions along with personal and national security (Shinder &Â  Cross, 2008). There are many challenges in managing the human aspects of cyber security. Cybercrimes take place at a high rate including personal information being leaked, invasion in the data of national concern, hacking accounts etc. The reasons for the cybercrimes may be many from personal to professional. Any person who has the expertise in computers and cyberspace can hack or access any user’s information. Many times it is unknown to the user that who committed the action. However, managing the cybercrimes can be very challenging as recently seen it has become a challenge

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hip Hop & Crisis in African American Commnity Research Paper

Hip Hop & Crisis in African American Commnity - Research Paper Example Its story is at once imbedded in time/history, geography, culture, technology, industry, politics, and aesthetic frames. In its short history from the mid 1970s to present, numerous critical, socio-cultural, and empirical studies have sought to dissect and explain away its reality. However, this paper attempts to review the literature through historical perspectives. Body Hip-hop was born out of a number of social, political, and artistic occurrences. George (1998) starts hip-hop's story at the end of the 1960s, a period of hopes for total racial integration-Martin Luther King's dream. However, as the 1970s progressed, the reality of inequalities was reiterated. In terms of what was reflected in art, the expression of the people, most obvious and mobile with the music, segregation continued. Rock and roll was predominantly for White artists and audiences, whereas rhythm and blues was African-American (Kitwana, 2006). In the 1970s, profits from the rock music revolution helped to crea te, develop, and further consolidate a corporate musical industry that was evidenced by mergers such as Warner-Reprise, Elektra-Asylum, and Atlantic. These corporations recognized the potential profits available from the Black performers who could access not only the Black community, but also "cross-over" to White teens. The major record labels created "Black music" divisions, encouraging commercial-cultural crossover. This potential for broad audience access is one reason that "disco" came into being in the 1970s. As with many popular music forms of the era, it had African  ­American roots. Scholars and those in the musical recording industry have consistently argued about the influential nature of Black culture and music, and evidence exists to support its apparent relationship to White, or mainstream music and culture. Garofalo (1993) posits the links between genres, and notes that the history of popular music in America "can be described in terms of Black innovation and popula rization" (p. 57). Disco was an example, coming as it did at the end of the civil rights/Black power era, it was at once an accumulation of African-American and American popular music experience. The musical genre was short for discotheque, a place where people could go to dance, drink, and listen to this form of music. George (1998) and Werner (1999) note the rise of disco from the underground clubs of New York and Los Angeles, during the mid to late 1970s, that paved the way for initial elements of break dancing and future samples for rap. Werner (1999) notes disco's musical roots in Black dance music (p. 205). Disco was at first "high-quality Black dance music, with Kenny Gamble and Leon Huffs elegantly funky Philly Sound productions and the lush sounds surrounding Barry White's bass voice the artistic benchmarks" (George, 1998, p. 7). Whereas the club provided the place and the music industry provided the means for increased musical crossing over, the advent of synthesizer allow ed for the ability to manipulate prerecorded sound for smoother transitions between songs. This inaugurated the cult of the club OJ who did the "mixing." As disco became mainstream around 1975, it lost much of its freshness and was further stigmatized by an association with the gay rights movement (Werner, 1999, p. 205). To chants of "Disco sucks!"

Is water a natural right or is it a commodity Essay

Is water a natural right or is it a commodity - Essay Example Different civilizations throughout history considered water as a mutual property resource and not an open access resource. Hence there were different priorities over water usage. Drinking water had the highest priority; nobody who wanted drinking water was turned away. The community well dug by the community in general was freely used by the community. In a civilization like Rome, shows a typical example of how water was allocated when there was an actual allocation and sanitation system. They had an unrestricted water source recognized as the lacus. Here the Romans rich or poor could collect water for free. The use of lacus required one to transport the water to their private homes using their own labour and money. Then there was another kind of executive supply of water whereby the water would be delivered to the homestead via pipe for a fee. It was an actual right recognized by the Roman and the Jewish law which was known as the â€Å"Right to thirst†. This shows that human beings since the early civilization have recognized water especially drinking water as a human right and not a commodity (Branco, 150). In today’s world, international human rights and law have been put in place which acknowledges water as a human right and not a commodity. This was agreed on after a lot of discussion and debate by 122 countries. This decision was arrived at formally in 28 July 2010. This was done in a General Assembly (GA) resolution (A/64/292 which was established on draft resolution A/64/L>63/Rev.1.) It led to the UN Human Rights Council espousing an obligatory resolution that acknowledged that the human right to water and sanitation is an element of the right to a sufficient standard of living. Although it is recognized in international law it cannot be imposed in the national echelon until it’s integrated into the national legislation (Gupta, 304). This resolution confirms that the human right to nontoxic drinking water and sanitation is originat ed from the right to adequate standard of living and is inextricably tied to the right of the highest possible standard of physical and mental health, also the right to life and human dignity. This right places several responsibilities on governments. They are meant to ensure that all their citizens can access sufficient, uncontaminated water and affordable in an equal manner. Some of the uses that water should be availed for include drinking, personal sanitation, washing clothes, food preparation and personal hygiene. The States should ensure that first priority should go to personal and domestic uses over other uses. This water should be sufficient, clean affordable and accessible. Governments should also take up secondary priorities of irrigation and availing water for manufacturing in an affordable manner (International water sanitation center, 204). The number of people unable to access clean and improved sources of domestic and drinking water is 780 million and at least 2.6 bi llion lacking access to sanitation services. This shows that still a lot has to be done to make sure water is accessible to all in the planet. Other problems that have afflicted secure and accessible sourcing of water is the cross-border conflicts in the Middle East, The Eastern Mediterranean and other parts of North America. Some non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and researchers have tried to establish the fact that the right to water is also

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hip Hop & Crisis in African American Commnity Research Paper

Hip Hop & Crisis in African American Commnity - Research Paper Example Its story is at once imbedded in time/history, geography, culture, technology, industry, politics, and aesthetic frames. In its short history from the mid 1970s to present, numerous critical, socio-cultural, and empirical studies have sought to dissect and explain away its reality. However, this paper attempts to review the literature through historical perspectives. Body Hip-hop was born out of a number of social, political, and artistic occurrences. George (1998) starts hip-hop's story at the end of the 1960s, a period of hopes for total racial integration-Martin Luther King's dream. However, as the 1970s progressed, the reality of inequalities was reiterated. In terms of what was reflected in art, the expression of the people, most obvious and mobile with the music, segregation continued. Rock and roll was predominantly for White artists and audiences, whereas rhythm and blues was African-American (Kitwana, 2006). In the 1970s, profits from the rock music revolution helped to crea te, develop, and further consolidate a corporate musical industry that was evidenced by mergers such as Warner-Reprise, Elektra-Asylum, and Atlantic. These corporations recognized the potential profits available from the Black performers who could access not only the Black community, but also "cross-over" to White teens. The major record labels created "Black music" divisions, encouraging commercial-cultural crossover. This potential for broad audience access is one reason that "disco" came into being in the 1970s. As with many popular music forms of the era, it had African  ­American roots. Scholars and those in the musical recording industry have consistently argued about the influential nature of Black culture and music, and evidence exists to support its apparent relationship to White, or mainstream music and culture. Garofalo (1993) posits the links between genres, and notes that the history of popular music in America "can be described in terms of Black innovation and popula rization" (p. 57). Disco was an example, coming as it did at the end of the civil rights/Black power era, it was at once an accumulation of African-American and American popular music experience. The musical genre was short for discotheque, a place where people could go to dance, drink, and listen to this form of music. George (1998) and Werner (1999) note the rise of disco from the underground clubs of New York and Los Angeles, during the mid to late 1970s, that paved the way for initial elements of break dancing and future samples for rap. Werner (1999) notes disco's musical roots in Black dance music (p. 205). Disco was at first "high-quality Black dance music, with Kenny Gamble and Leon Huffs elegantly funky Philly Sound productions and the lush sounds surrounding Barry White's bass voice the artistic benchmarks" (George, 1998, p. 7). Whereas the club provided the place and the music industry provided the means for increased musical crossing over, the advent of synthesizer allow ed for the ability to manipulate prerecorded sound for smoother transitions between songs. This inaugurated the cult of the club OJ who did the "mixing." As disco became mainstream around 1975, it lost much of its freshness and was further stigmatized by an association with the gay rights movement (Werner, 1999, p. 205). To chants of "Disco sucks!"

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Moral Problem Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Moral Problem - Research Paper Example Gaddafi has no official government function, and prefers to be called â€Å"Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution† (Elgood, 2011). Furthermore, he has unflinchingly ordered the violent repression of dissident citizens, prompting the UN General Assembly to pass a resolution allowing member states to intervene on behalf of the Libyan people. In this paper I shall examine the decision Gaddafi has so far pursued but may still revise, regarding his response to his people’s clamor for democracy. I shall examine the moral dilemma, and arrive at a moral solution pursuant to the decision procedures of Utilitarianism and Kantianism. However, I shall first relate the background of Gaddafi, the type of leader he is, his decisions and actions, so that these may be made the basis for discerning his motivations. Factual details In 1969, 27-year-old Col. Muammar Gaddafi successfully led a bloodless coup against King Idris to take over the reins of power in oil-rich Libya. Gaddaf i was born to nomadic parents, the son of a Bedouin herdsman, and dropped out of college to join the army; despite his humble beginnings, he had been able to maintain absolute dictatorship over his country for the past four decades (Al Jazeera, 2011; Elgood of Reuters, 2011). Gaddafi’s rule was and continues to be oppressive towards the Libyan people, having imprisoned countless dissidents and putting thousands to death, as reported by Human Rights Watch. During the 1970s, he publicly hung student demonstrators who marched and demonstrated for the restoration of their human rights. In another incident, Gaddafi ordered the execution of 1,200 unarmed prisoners in the span of three hours (Al Jazeera, 2011). The media remains under tight government control, as does all large businesses. Gaddafi has been openly anti-US and anti-Israel, and he is strongly associated with terrorism due to his role in the 1988 bombing of the Pan Am flight over Lockerbie, Scotland which was perpetrate d by Libyan intelligence agents. However, in 2003, in a seeming act of reconciliation he accepted responsibility for this act and indemnified the families of those who died, although his admission remained guarded. He also relinquished his complete inventory of weapons of mass destruction (MacLeod & Radwan of Time, 2005). Due to these acts, Libya assumed normalized relations with the West, allowing the oil industry to flourish and the economy to grow. In 2009, however, Gaddafi spoke at the UN General Assembly, at which he tore a copy of the UN Charter in protest, accused the United Nations and the US of being a terrorist group like the Al Qaeda, and demanded $7.7 trillion in compensation from past colonial rulers. Nor was his contempt directed solely at the US. In a two-day visit to Italy in 2010 to strengthen Rome-Italy ties, Gaddafi unabashedly invited thousands of women to convert to Islam as he was accompanied by a dozen female bodyguards (Al Jazeera, 2011; Elgood, 2011). In the recent spate of civil unrest that has spread throughout the Arab states, Gaddafi showed he has not changed his militaristic dictatorship. Human rights protesters have been gunned down in the hundreds within the span of a few days, and even those attending funerals were not spared the carnage (Elgood, 2011). Libya has never held free elections under Gaddafi, and his sentiments on the matter became clear during a Time interview in 2005: â€Å"Elections? What for? We have surpassed that stage you are presently in. All the people are in

Monday, October 14, 2019

Slaughterhouse Essay Example for Free

Slaughterhouse Essay In the novel Slaughterhouse 5 written by Kurt Vonnegut, it can be perceived that the overall plot structure does not follow the expected chronological order of most other novels. Normally, the life of Billy Pilgrim would be represented as a linear story. This means that it would show the order of events as they happened in time. The lack of chronological order in the novel and the abrupt and random changes in time are used by the author to represent how the life of a soldier is affected after the war. Throughout the novel, Vonnegut implements this structure also to define Billy’s personality and characteristics. Vonnegut uses the ideals and beliefs of the Tralfamadorians to influence the structure of the novel. The Tralfamadorians believe that â€Å"there is no beginning, no middle, no end, no suspense, no moral, no causes, no effects. What we love in our books are the depths of many marvelous moments seen all at one time†. The author represents this idea in the structure by alternating between stories and times, telling the story as Billy lives it, to show what he thinks of life and death after war. Vonnegut successfully writes the novel in this style to allow the readers to consider these ideals in their own lives. This is portrayed in the novel when Billy says repeatedly â€Å"so it goes† when someone dies; meaning that he doesn’t look at death like an end, it just look at it like another part of life. Vonnegut succeeds in showing the readers the elements of the novel all at once using random changes and skipping from one event to another abruptly. The author also gave this particular structure to the plot of the novel because it represented the bombing of Dresden as an event that kept going forever. The fact that the bombing of Dresden didn’t have much historic attention, although it was a real massacre, encouraged Vonnegut to describe it as Billy Pilgrim sees it: endless. As Billy went over his life more than once, the author wants the reader to know how hard and devastating was for Billy to live war more than once. The harshness and the uselessness of war are represented with this method. Another structural technique implemented by Vonnegut is foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is when a warning or an indication of a future event is given before the actual event occurs. This is clearly seen throughout the entire novel but especially in the first chapter. â€Å"It begins like this: Listen: Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time. It ends like this: Poo-tee-weet? (p. 31). Here Vonnegut deliberately breaks the concept of time as well as the concept of tension. The most important events in this novel are foreshadowed by the author before, to relieve this negative tension that the whole theme of war creates. A clear example is seen in page 56: Billy sat down in the waiting room. He wasnt a widower yet. This technique allows the plot of the novel to be much more relaxed as well as giving the readers a sense of tranquility and fluidity. An effect of the novel’s plot structure in the overall meaning of the book is the fact that Billy’s life is replicated by the structure; producing a metaphor of the damage warfare creates. An example of this is when Billy jumps in time to his death repeatedly. He knows exactly how, when and where he dies. He knows that he will be killed by Paul Lazzaro after he delivers a speech in a stadium filled with people, about everything he learnt on tralfamadore in 1976. This helps the audience to understand the damage war causes to the minds of soldiers. The fact that the storyline is incoherent to the reader shows exactly how Billy has lived his life every day since the war. Also the disjointed characteristic of the structure portrays how the events in Billy’s life are all disassociated. To conclude, the author uses a non-chronological plot structure for reasons such as, to represent a soldier’s life after war and the ongoing massacre of Dresden. Vonnegut achieves, with the use of extended metaphors and careful descriptions, to convey the reader a sense of discontinuity in the novel and therefore an overall â€Å"image of life that is beautiful and surprising and deep†.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Impact of AirAsia on Indias Economy

Impact of AirAsia on Indias Economy Summary: AirAsia is the world’s best low cost airline which is Malaysian based. This group operates scheduled international domestic flights in 22 countries and around 100 destinations. AirAsia expanded its operations in India in 2012, in joint venture with TataSons. Since Indian government allow an FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) of 49% in Airlines, the company hold 49% stake with TataSons having 30% and Telstra Tradeplace’s Arun Bhatia acquiring 21% stake. AirAsia has decided to invest 30 million dollars to 50 million dollars to start up the airline in India. The company in 2013, as a promotional tool to penetrate into the Indian market, has announced booking of 2 million seats from some of south Indian cities (like Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata and Tiruchirapalli) to south east destination like Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur etc with a very low coat ranging from Rs 3300 to Rs5500. The company has a standard practice to open booking of seats a few months in advance at nominal price and then increasing them as the day passes to come up to ten times near the flight day. This is to assure filling of certain percentage of seats with low fare and then going to highest level. This practice reduces the gap between demand and supply as only little number of seats go vacant. The offer of the company is quite different from Tiger Airways, which provided 10 seats on every flight for Rs 2700 to Singapore from Banglore, Hydrabad, Kochi, Chennai, Tiruchirapalli and Thiruvananthapuram. Fares offered by the company on different routes are shown below: . (Source: Economic Times, 2013) The company is specially targeting the upper middle class customers, travelling by train, competing in budget carrier space which is dominated by SpiceJet and IndiGo. However, gaining a profitable position would be quite challenging for the company in the Indian market which is already incurring huge losses in spite of recent discount on fares offers of existing Airline Company. It has incurred a combined loss of $400 million to $450 million in the quarter of July to September. Another challenges are high fuel prices in the international market, stiff competition, high operating cost and political opposition, regulatory pressure and uncertainty in India as Indian Aviation Industry was opened to foreign investors recently. Competition: The company will face strict competition on route of Kolkata from SpiceJet, Jet Airways, IndiGo and Air India which combines offer 56 flights on weekly basis (Rai, 2013). The competition will get fiercer on Bangalore where 101 weekly services are offered by the stated four. Structure of Indian Aviation market: Since the Airline industry is an oligopolistic market structure with few big players, the fare cutting move of AirAsia company will definitely copied by other firms to remain in the competition, as it is one of the basic feature of oligopolistic market that fare cutting or increasing move by one is followed by other sooner or later. This will create a fare war among the companies, benefit of which can be reaped by customers. The company has taken this step as low cost airline companies have predicted to have greater potential in Asian countries like India whose population is above one million and the population of middle class is growing day by day which proves to be a huge market potential for the company to grow. (Upadhyay, 2013) According to the regulation of Indian Government, a foreign company can enter to Indian Airline sector with 49% stake only in the form of FDI, the regulation normally need a carrier to have domestically operated for at least 5 years with twenty aircraft fleets before starting its operations internationally (Singhal, 2013). Therefore on this basis international market opportunities for the company will concentrate on those routes where highest traffic volume already exists. Company’s step to reduce operating cost and gaining economies of scale: The company will focus on South India which is a tourist attracting area and an unaltered and underserviced market by other airline companies. The company will not operate to Mumbai and Delhi airports as these airports charges high Airport Development charge. Also Mumbai has extremely high air congestion leading to time consuming landing of aircrafts. In this way company would be able to avoid high navigation landing charge and aircraft parking charge The company has benchmarked its base fare against Indian Railways tickets and prices only Rs 1000 more than rail fare which will attract rail consumers to switch over to airlines, increasing company’s revenue. For keeping low operating cost, the company have planned to have a lean staff structure initially targeting up to 80- 100 employees per aircraft. Whereas competitors of the company presently have a ratio ranging from 102 to 185 employees per aircraft. Company also offer point to point service and uniform fleet for operational savings and provide internet sales of tickets for overhead savings. Upcoming opportunity for the company: On the basis of macroeconomic metric based on the population of city, Surat (Gujrat), Patna (Bihar) and Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh), which are largest Tier 2 cities of India, are not connected to Chennai. Surat has a population of around 4 million, Patna has 1.6 million populations Bhopal has 1.8 people living there. (Balasubramanyam, 2013) Therefore AirAsia India can also plan to consider its services to these cities to meet up the potential demand. Benefit to Indian Economy: India will get benefit in the following ways: Increased revenue for government in the form of taxes. Since it is a Foreign Direct Investment, Indian economy will get benefitted through infrastructural development by the company, increased employment opportunities for Indian people as company will hire people to provide its services. Since the company is offering low fare tickets to customers, other firms will also follow the move, offering better opportunities for customers to avail airline services at low cost. AirAsia’s move will break the status quo in pricing policy, commercial and marketing strategy of Airline companies in India as presently Indian Airline companies lack innovation in pricing their services due to which about twenty percent of the seats go on empty in most of the flights. Overall this move of the company is good for economy as well as customers as it will allow maximum customer to avail airline services and create ripple effect. Also Indian market has potential as its size is expected to grow in next 10 years from sixty million passengers to around 450 million passengers which is also a good news for the company References Balasubramanyam, K., (2013), Sky wars, [Article], Available: [Accessed 1 May 2014] Rai, S., (2013), Why AirAsias Entry Is Good For Indias Aviation Sector, [Article], Available: [Accessed 1 May 2014] Singhal, M., (2013), An airline for the people, [Article], Available: [Accessed 30 April 2014] Upadhyay, A., (2013), AirAsia offers two million cheap tickets to South East Asian cities, [Article], Available:[Accessed 1 May 2013]

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Suburbia: Inappropriate Growing Environment :: Suburbs Education Learning Essays

Suburbia: Inappropriate Growing Environment There's a reason people go to school in their youth rather than after they get older. It's because the childhood years are the ones during which the potential for learning is the greatest. Youths' impressionable minds have far less trouble picking up important concepts like mathematics and grammar than do adults'--in fact, young minds seem oftentimes to learn automatically or accidentally. It stands to reason, therefore, that adults should take advantage of that impressionability to educate the leaders of the future in areas such as art, basic economy, and interpersonal behavior while their chances of learning are still so great. In a world and a time where the quest to become a functional and productive member of society is such a difficult one and so rarely completed, one can't help feeling that it's absolutely imperative that those in charge of raising the next generation ensure that they do so under the best possible circumstances: that is, in a living environment conducive to intellectual and emotional challenge and growth. However, such is clearly not always the case. As a place to develop and mature, one of the worst locales in America--and possibly the most misjudged--is suburbia. A vast wasteland of dressed-up emptiness, the typical suburban town promises an idyll it could never truly hope to deliver. An attempt at compromise between the country and the city, it instead combines the worst aspects of both. And as we shall see, children who grow up in this abyss will find their social lives constantly lacking and their cultural needs rarely met. The causes of these shortcomings of the suburban town are firmly rooted in its geographical and political structure, as well as in the attitudes of many suburban adults. Geography "The suburbs represent the triumph of accessibility over proximity," writes Harlan Paul Douglass in his 1920s book The Suburban Trend (187). Douglass is writing to defend his home--in his own words, an "apologia for suburban life"--but he appears sadly unaware of the sinister truth to his statement (v). Indeed, some semblance of indiscriminate accessibility is a reality in the suburbs--for people of means. That is to say, people who can drive, or who live near public transportation routes. Children tend not to fall into either of these categories. On the one hand, most are too young to get driver’s licenses or too poor to pay for a car and auto insurance. On the other, even those who live within walking distance of mass transit systems may find its cost prohibitive, or else their parents may forbid them to use it for fear of what kind of people they'll meet.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Prisoners Rights Essay

Societies over time have defined human rights through a variety of documents that have sought to protect the rights of people. The Geneva Convention is an example of these documents. These documents not only firmly establish rights, but also ensure that countries that adopt these laws are responsible for ensuring rights are respected and followed. Unfortunately, not all governments obey these documents. In the case where war occurs, the Geneva Convention has been especially disregarded and ignored. As a result, agencies such as Amnesty International have stepped in to fight for those prisoners whose rights have been broken. Amnesty International has become one of the most successful agencies, freeing and helping thousands of people who have been imprisoned unfairly. The rights for different kinds of prisoners in different countries are still being debated to this day. These prisoners include prisoners in detention centers and prisoners of conscience. Some people think that someone who has infringed on other’s human rights should not have valid rights themselves. Despite this, prisoners are allowed rights, such as conditions of confinement, limited privacy, safety from other prisoners, food and water and medical attention if necessary. Many prisons still deny one or more of these rights, and continue to this day to torture, kill and/or discriminate against prisoners. One of the most globally recognized laws regarding prisoners is the Geneva Convention. The Geneva Convention is a set of rules written in 1929 and revised in 1949, which focuses on the rights of prisoners of war. Prisoners of war are specifically soldiers captured and held captive by the enemy army. The Geneva Convention states that prisoners of war cannot be prosecuted for taking direct part in hostilities. Their detention is supposed to prevent further participation in the conflict and should not be a form of punishment. The term ‘Prisoners of war’ only applies to international armed conflict. These prisoners must be released and sent back to their country without delay at the end of the war. They must be treated humanely in all circumstances and should be protected against any act of violence, intimidation insults and public curiosity. Despite this, many governments have failed to acknowledge the convention and in some cases, have resulted in prisoners being tortured and even killed. In Guantà ¡namo Bay, Cuba, there is a detention center at its naval base, set up by the United States. From 2002, the prison has been holding prisoners who have been suspected of being terrorists or having ties to terrorists. They are held in order for the government to try and get information out of them. The Americans also set up another detention center in Abu Ghraib, Iraq in 2004. George Bush, who was president of the USA at the time, described the men held in these prisons not as prisoners of war, but as unlawful combatants and claimed that the Geneva Conventions protections did not apply to them. A lot of people have argued that the prisons should not be allowed, due to the fact that most prisoners have been tortured, sexually abused, drugged, and harmed by many other violent acts to get information. There are still no laws that protect these prisoners and the USA has gotten many negative judgments from all around the world. A lot of global campaigns and agencies are currently working to fix this issue. Prisoners of Conscience are people who are believed to have had already had their rights stripped from them. More specifically, they are people who have been imprisoned for expressing ideas about their lifestyle, belief, race, or religion in a non-violent way and have been denied due process. Due process is the system where a person is procedure where a person goes through a fair trial in the normal judicial system where he/she is innocent until proven guilty. There are agencies and campaigns worldwide that go to extreme extents to get prisoners of conscience publically recognized and hopefully released. Amnesty International is one of the most well–known and successful non-governmental campaigning organizations that works to monitor and protect human rights all over the world. The organization began with one man’s outrage and his courage to do something about it, this man being British lawyer Peter Benson. He is looked at as a hero, not only within the organization. Their main focus are Prisoners of Conscience. The organization has over 3 million members and supporters and was founded in London 1996. Their objective is to â€Å"conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights, and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.† Amnesty International think of themselves as advocates for prisoners and the word ‘amnesty’ refers to being forgiven for a crime or other offence. Prisoners’ rights is just one segment of human rights, but is still just as important as children’s or elderly rights. Prisoners everywhere, from those in Guantà ¡namo Bay to prisoners of war should have valid rights if they don’t already. Having legal rights or laws is the first step, but putting the law in action is what really matters. Although there are a number of countries that ignore these documents, there are also countries that abide by them and are great examples of fair humanity. Agencies, organizations and campaigns work for these changes all around the world and with the help and support of every day people, they can hopefully change the world for the better.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Holly Farm

Holly Farm A Diminishing profits of their business from milk and cereals activities trigger Fred and Gillian to decide to open up dairy and arable mixed farm for the demand of paying public. For the new business to be successful they devote all their saving and their time. They take different responsibility for each of them and when Fred continued to run the commercial farming business Gillian took responsibility in making the factory to be suitable for the tour. The rough advertisement and creating awareness to the public the number of visitors to the farm increases through the years.Gillian, who is responsible or the farm to the public each year from April to October inclusive. Other than this period conditions are not suitable to visit so it will not be opened for the public. Through experience Gillian conclude that Saturday and Sunday are a high visiting season Ads than other days in a week The milking parlous which concern So Fred constitute 150 cows to milk. For the visiting pu rpose a player' is build which have facilitate that ease displays on the tour and it lasts be from 4:30 pm to 7:00 PM.HERE Gillian complains on this situation that early visitors come before 4:00 pm that neither Fred nor the cows are repaired eve if most of the visitors wait patiently till to open. Concerning about the ice-cream factory. It is operated 48 weeks per year and three employees who are farm workers wives are responsible to work in line with farm opening from April to October. The maximum capacity of the equipment found in the factory is 350 liters of ice-cream per day. And the stock rotation allowed in practice is not above 7000 liters. The recommended storage time is twelve weeks prior to retail sale.From the comment of Gillian farm shop only visitors are surprisingly regular customer of sales. Her report room experiences started that the demand on average is one out of two customer buys a one liter box. With a farm shop retail price $ 2. 00 per box, a car comes with fo ur occupants, and two one -liter boxes are purchased. The other customers for ice-cream sales are farm shop only visitors. There is a separate, fenced road entrance that allows local customers to purchase good at a separate counter of the farm shop without payment to the other farm facilities.At last when Gillian forward her findings, on 1998 the factory able a small return on capital employed and hence a reform must be made to increase profitability ¶y'. To make the investment work better her first and ultimate decision is to increase the number of natural flavors from four to ten and the other is to increase farm visitors by 50% that can help the farm to meet the target. She conclude that I don't expect that fully to halt the decline in our sales to these outlets, and this is reflected in our sales forecast. Hen the form opened officially in 1993 Gillian took responsibility for visitors to come and visit the farm area asset is a farm to the paying public l. Order to increase the visitors Gillian a face saturation at first which is a low demand season were visitors are conditional for unsuitable regular tractor rides and of the animals being kept inside Gillian attempt to solve the situation by increasing the number of farm visitors to 50 percent in 1 999 that she intended to improve return on farm tour assets.Regarding to increasing farm four she had also to choose whether to promote sales to coach firms or to focus on advertisement for attracting more local families in car. The milking parlous, the activity concerning to Fred, usually lasts form 4:30 p. To 07:00 pm gallery which is purposely built to exhibit this activity for visitors displays teen the indicated time interval. Here Gillian face another problem that sometimes on Saturdays and Sundays visitors' arrival early before 4:pm but unfortunately nothing is ready to display.Even it most people are patient enough to wait until the activity are patient enough to wait until the activity to be opened it is obvious that this affect the return to farm tours on aggregate. Evaluating Shilling's proposal to increase the number of farm visitors in 1999 by 50 percent when Shilling's propose to increase the number of visitors she forest sales by taking sales of 1 998 as a base year. Taking 1998 as a base for January to December to evaluate the forecast.Even if the data on the appendix gives no separate records that separate sales to the paying farm visitors and to those who only visit the farm shop, Shilling's statement about the average sales to a paying farm visitors which says from two visitors one probably buy a one litter ice-cream gives a clue for evaluation purpose.

Rules of Relationships in of Mice and Men and the Breakfast Club

Rules of Relationship Kyle and I decided to research relationships as they are portrayed in movies for our presentation. Between us, we watched â€Å"The Breakfast Club†, â€Å"Dead Poets Society†, â€Å"Fried Green Tomatoes† and â€Å"Of Mice and Men. † Today I'm going to discuss how rules of relationships were used in â€Å"The Breakfast Club† and â€Å"Of Mice and Men†. I will list the rules portrayed in these movies and provide you with insight on the happenings of each movie. I think that â€Å"The Breakfast Club† and â€Å"Of Mice and Men† did an excellent job of demonstrating the rules of relationships. Of Mice and Men† is a classic story with a timeless message. It's very good movie and novel. This movie is great drama for anyone from thirteen to ninety-nine years of age. In â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, there are two rugged men, Lenny and George, who are good friends. Lenny, played by John Malkovich, is a soft sp oken, big, and gentle character, who is unfortunately mentally disabled. Because of Lenny's problem keeping a job, the brothers are forced to move frequently. Lenny likes to touch things that appear to be soft or comforting to touch: hair for example.Lenny loves animals. George, played Gary Sinise, tries his hardest to be a good friend. He seems to be trapped by the fact of having a life that is full of unhappy things. George is about 35-40 years old. He is hard working, trustworthy, patience, caring, and a very responsible man. Throughout the movie, George seems to have gotten the short end of the stick. At the same time, I feel that George's meeting Lenny also had a positive impact on George. George learned a great deal of patience from his friendship with Lenny. This story ends in trajedy.George is forced to do what he thinks is best for all by killing Lenny after Lenny accidently killed a woman. With Lenny's death, George is given a chance to move on with his life and not have t o worry about taking care of his friend. The other movie I'm going to discuss is â€Å"The Breakfast Club†. This movie would be enjoyed by people ranging in age from junior high to middle aged. It's more of a younger portrayal of how life was and is in high school. It's a story of how five supposedly completely different students end up in detention on a Saturday and how they discover and use their similarities to make the day more enjoyable.As the story progresses, they learn not only about each other but also about themselves. In â€Å"The Breakfast Club†, Andrew Clark, the jock played by Emilio Estevez , always seems to be pleasing other people: his father, his coach, his friends. They all see him as a person that he doesn't necessarily WANT to be. Rather than disappoint them, he simply becomes who they think he is. This creates a lot of internal anger, which surfaces often throughout the movie. Brian Johnson, Anthony Michael Hall, excels academically but has little self-confidence to show for it.He tends to be hard on himself, and can't handle failure. Straight-laced and timid, he rarely bends the rules. My favorite character in the movie, by far, is John Bender, played by Judd Nelson. He has a lot of issues he doesn't care to talk about, and he deals with them by using dry humor and sarcasm. Allison Reynolds is a basket case. She's screwed up. One thing's for sure, Allison Reynolds, played by Ally Sheedy, LOVES attention. So she's got her quirks. She uses dandruff as â€Å"snow† on a picture she's drawn. She eats Cap'n Crunch and sugar from a Pixie Stix on bread as a sandwich.She doesn't speak for the first half of the movie, and when she finally does start talking, she doesn't stop. Allison leaves you wondering who she really is, but weird or not, she's certainly likable! Claire Standish, the spoiled brat played by Molly Ringwald, reminds me of the girls that I couldn't stand in high school! She places herself above everyone else in the movie. Sure, she's got her problems, just like all teenagers. But somehow, to everyone else, her family's wealth and power and her alliance with the â€Å"in† crowd seems to diminish whatever problems she may have.To the other characters, she's just conceited Claire. â€Å"The Breakfast Club† takes place Saturday, March 24, 1984 in Shermer High School. Shermer High School is located in the town of Shermer, Illinois. â€Å"Of Mice and Men† takes place in California sometime in the 1800's. It was never exactly stated when it took place, but it was when slavery was still in use. I chose to apply the â€Å"Rules of Relationships† according to Argyle and Henderson. The â€Å"Rules of Relationships† is defined in eleven rules, listed on page 261 of the Communications Mosaics textbook.A few of the rules are as follows, stand up for a friend when they aren't around, share your successes and how you feel about them, give emotional support, and trust and confide in one another. In â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, I found that eight of the rules were used. For the most part George is always sticking up for and defending Lenny, giving support, trust and confiding in Lenny, helping him, making him feel good, is not too critical of Lenny, protects Lenny's confidences, and leaving his faults alone. Lenny uses what he knows as far as rules of relationships go.Lenny is mentally challenged, so he does what he can by giving support and just being a good guy. In â€Å"The Breakfast Club†, three of these rules are used. They all give one another emotional support, they trust and confide in each other, and they make each other feel good. In â€Å"The Breakfast Club†, they fight, but now matter what they're talking about, they seem to take sides and defend their case. Although Bender made Claire cry, he gave her support soon there after. All the teens trust and confide in each other by telling what they did to end up in detention.Ea ch of them seems to have a terrible story of why or how they ended up in detention. Each story has great weight on ruining who they are or ruining their reputation. To help his new friends feel good, Bender gets everyone high off of smoking weed in the movie. In â€Å"The Breakfast Club† not many of the â€Å"Rules of Relationships† were displayed, but that is greatly due to the fact that they began as strangers put together by circumstances beyond their control and grew to become friends through the course of the movie. â€Å"Rules of relationships† describe how an ideal relationship would be.A movie uses some of these rules, but for dramatic and real-to-life purposes relationships like this aren't usually seen. I think that â€Å"The Breakfast Club† shows us what more modern relationships act like. â€Å"Of Mice and Men† gives us a more sincere, true-to-life feeling of true friendship. I think that a movie like â€Å"The Breakfast Club† ma y not have a profound impact on the American way of life, but for now and maybe for another short while longer, this movie will display how high school's function. â€Å"Of Mice and Men† is a timeless movie, which displays friendship to be a great thing. The ethics of both